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Give your team AI Superpowers

Gain practical AI skills and align your team with an actionable strategy to get ahead of disruption with our AI Workshop for leaders and teams. We're offering our $1,899 virtual session completely free before March 2024 (limited places)

Or schedule a free discovery call for more tailored guidance

What's covered in our workshop?

AirStack's 'Ultimate AI Workshop' is a FREE 1-hour virtual session or 2-hour in-person innovation sprint with your team. In this hands-on session, we'll cut-through the hype, arm your team with an understanding of the impact and risks of AI and then identify and align on potential opportunities. AirStack will then develop your complimentary 120-day strategic roadmap with recommended action steps.

Understand AI and its impact on your sector.

See how others are using AI & Automation

Learn best practices to boost productivity (legally & safely)

Workshop and evaluate opportunities and use-cases 

Crafted to overcome AI inaction: you can't afford to fall behind.

  • See how other businesses are using AI to get ahead: we'll showcase what other businesses are doing to boost their capacity and launch new capabilities 


  • Understand the impact, risks and best practices: learn practical tips to experiment, while navigating the legal, IP and security threats created by teams using tools like ChatGPT that could come back to haunt you.


  • Workshop and align on use-cases:  We'll apply the knowledge to your business, using our framework to identify and evaluate use-cases that your team can align on.​


  • Develop your free AI Roadmap: Following the session, you'll receive a free tailored AI Roadmap with actionable recommended steps to action

Available as a free virtual session or in-person workshop


FREE 1-hour online session 

Our free, no-obligation 1-hour virtual session. We'll provide essential skills, understanding and workshop ideas to overcome challenges in your business. Following our workshop, we'll develop your complimentary post-session AI roadmap.


2 hour in-person workshop

Our 2-3 hour interactive in-person session is more tailored and allows your team more time to brainstorm, evaluate and innovate. With specific content around the threat and opportunities in your sector, you'll get a more extensive post-session pack with resources and scoped recommendations for action. 

Please note:  places for both workshops are limited and subject to availability.  We have remaining times available for our free Workshop sessions (booked before March 31), however, spots are limited.

Specialised with deep practical knowledge on the challenges, use-cases and nuances across industries.




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